Feedback Works With GRACe

Feedback Works With GRACe

Personal feedback is essential in self-managing teams. It is a hugely challenging idea both for those who give feedback and for those receiving it. Few organisations recognise the huge benefits that can arise from the trust-full use of feedback and provide the effective skills development to help meet the challenge. GRACE helps organisations to think about the capabilities they need to build and the skills that underpin these capabilities.

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Leadership Or Management - One More Time!

Leadership Or Management - One More Time!

The leadership or management debate continues. In this article I separate the hierarchical nature of management from the emergence of leadership at any level to reveal that leadership is a choice that anyone can make. In agile organisations where teams organise and manage themselves, we don’t need managers, we need leaders. Finally I provide an outline for what leadership is when you have anAgileMind.

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Relative Estimation - Change Your Viewpoint!

Relative Estimation - Change Your Viewpoint!

Relative estimation is a simple concept, but one that causes all sorts of problems for new teams and for experienced agile practitioners. This article examines some of the reasons behind the confusion and suggests a new, clearer way of thinking about the process of relative estimation. This new pattern makes a very clear break from more traditional estimating techniques.

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