Do You Really Want to Bring Your Whole Self to work?

Do You Really Want to Bring Your Whole Self to work?

“Bring Your Whole Self” has been an increasingly popular theme in recent years but do we really want to share everything about ourselves with colleagues at work? What started as a genuine attempt to support greater diversity and inclusion in the workplace, has too often become a glib phrase with an implied expectation of openness.  This ends up being no more authentic than leaving yourself at home. So where’s the right balance for people to be open and honest without feeling exposed?

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Leadership Or Management - One More Time!

Leadership Or Management - One More Time!

The leadership or management debate continues. In this article I separate the hierarchical nature of management from the emergence of leadership at any level to reveal that leadership is a choice that anyone can make. In agile organisations where teams organise and manage themselves, we don’t need managers, we need leaders. Finally I provide an outline for what leadership is when you have anAgileMind.

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Using Principles to Inspect and Adapt

Using Principles to Inspect and Adapt

To create change in an organisation we need an effective and usable lever acts to achieve deep change over a period of time. We demonstrate that having clear, understood links between target Values and Behaviours and our agreed Principles can provide us the lever we need. Damian Harries explores the nature of these relationships.

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