In a Nutshell

The customers and the team commit to each other at many different levels. At the highest level we have commitments established by any commercial agreement between the customers and the teams’ organisation. These high-level agreements need to be formed in a way that does not inhibit the continuous collaboration between customer and team on a day-by-day basis. We regularly review the status of the work and the commercial agreements to ensure that our commitments and our collaboration are in good shape.

At the Product level our highest level commitments surround the shared vision and strategy that guides the creation of our product. These commitments ultimately express the value that we contribute to the product. By understanding value, we gain an understanding of the purposes that help us stay committed to the work. By adhering to the commitments defined by the vision and strategy we fulfil those purposes.

On a working basis, the customers and the team continuously make and fulfil mutual commitments. These commitments are made and satisfied as a consequence of the working process that the customer and teams share. For example, in Scrum the outcome of sprint planning is a mutual commitment between the team and the customer to deliver the planned backlog items. The mutual component of the commitment is that the customer will accept the items if they are correctly validated at the end of the sprint. The outcome of the commitment is reviewed in the Sprint Review.

Implementing Practices