Delivery Validation
Delivery Validation
The team works with the customer to validate the work that has been done - that is to demonstrate that the work meets the customer’s need. The team uses feedback received from the customer to identify any rework that needs to be undertaken and to refine its priorities for forthcoming work.
In A Nutshell
Seeking continuous validation helps teams to ensure that they are always meeting the customers needs. If it turns out that needs are not being met, then the team can use the feedback from the customer to improve. Feedback helps to identify necessary rework, to adjust priorities, to refine understanding of requirements and to improve future plans.
It is this desire for continuous validation that encourages teams to work in short iterations, to focus on getting work done to the point where it can be deployed and on small increments of delivery that can easily be validated.
Delivery Validation may be carried out through a Delivery Review or other similarly focused meeting.
In Scrum, this practice is implemented by the Sprint Review.
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