In A Nutshell

The team takes responsibility for ensuring that there are sufficient product backlog items ready for work to sustain the workload of the team for a sprint or so. Product Backlog Refinement consists of taking existing backlog items and reviewing their deficiencies. Before refinement, items will lack sufficient detail to be worked by the team. Product Backlog Refinement identifies what is missing so the team can discover and record the missing information. It will become apparent that many items are too large to be worked effectively. The team decomposes backlog items until they are right-sized for work in a sprint.

The completion of a backlog item is the delivery of value to the customer. When broken down, each smaller backlog item must still represent a unit of value to the customer. Typically, then, each item must still embrace all layers of the solution architecture.

We have observed that many teams, especially teams who lack experience, pay insufficient (or no) attention to Product Backlog Refinement. In consequence there are few or no items ready for work at the start of Sprint Planning. Sprint Planning becomes the point where refinement is attempted. The result is substantially extended and ineffective Sprint Planning session. The quality of backlog items remains deficient and significant work is left incomplete at the end of the sprint. Items that are complete may receive negative feedback during the Sprint Review because their specification in backlog items was inadequate.

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