In A Nutshell

The Product Backlog is an evolving picture of the work that teams will be performing in the short-term. Its content is aligned to the most immediate time horizon defined in the Product Roadmap to prevent excessive dwell time of backlog items. If priorities in the roadmap change then backlog items will need to be pruned and new backlog items added to ensure continued alignment.

When backlog items are added to the backlog they typically give a high-level, abstract view of the feature. This view needs to be refined so that, by the time the team starts work on the item, it has sufficient detail to facilitate the work. Refining the backlog item in this way helps the team to establish a common understanding of the requirement and the work needed to implement it.

As backlog items are refined the additional information may show that the item is too large to be worked effectively by the team. Backlog items are decomposed to form smaller, more manageable backlog items. The process continues until the team decides the items are right-sized and sufficiently detailed to be implemented successfully.

The Scrum activity of Product Backlog Refinement implements this practice.

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