In A Nutshell

The way we manage our current portfolio of products gives us insight into the market places in which we participate. We use our interactions with our customers to obtain feedback on our products so that we can improve the services we provide. We gain insight into evolving customer needs so that we can evolve the product roadmap and backlog to remain aligned to the changes we observe. We observe our competition to understand areas where our existing products and offer competitive advantage or lag behind our competitors.

All of this knowledge is helpful in sustaining our competitive position and in becoming even more competitive over time. What we miss is the potential to move into whole new markets or areas of markets where our products have not reached previously. Gathering market intelligence we can begin to test new opportunities that are open to us. We can experiment to test the reality of the opportunity and our planned response to it. Where needed, we can launch new services supported by our existing products. If the opportunity is large enough and outside of our current portfolio we may decide to define and launch new products.


  • Research The Market